The MI cell (C& E), shown at Figure 2, is organized into a headquarters section, an MI unit (CI),
an MI unit (interrogation and exploitation), and an MI unit (collection and exploitation).
Headquarters section provides C2, administrative services, and logistic support for units of the
Figure 2: Company level Military Intelligence unit
Roles and Functions
The Collection and Exploitation section provides interrogation and CI support. Functions ,
Setting up interrogation centers and executing interrogation operations of enemy
prisoners of war.
Determine enemy multidisciplinary intelligence threat, analyse it and recommend
countermeasures, both on the passive defensive side as well as offensive methods.
Conduct exploitation of turned enemy agents. Conduct polygraph techniques and
technical operations.
Conduct DOCEX
Conduct debriefing of high level military/political figures,refugees,patrols,military
personnel who are released by enemy from capture or who have escaped from
captivity,detained civilians and other people who have information of interest.
Conduct Counterintelligence Force Protection Source Operations (CFSO).
"The mission of the MI Unit (CI) is to conduct CI operations and multidiscipline
counterintelligence (MDCI) threat analysis in support of the Commanders intelligence
The MI Unit (CI) will be composed of a section HQ, an Ops section, and CI platoon.
Figure 3: Counterintelligence Team
Roles and Functions
Provides C-HUMINT support
Conducts Vulnerability assessment
Supports OPSEC
Supports targeting , nominates HVT
Conducts CI investigations
Conducts Counterintelligence FP Source Operations
Conducts counterespionage,countersubversion and countersabotage operations.
Liases with other intelligence agencies
Conducts offensive operations during wartime
Areas of interest:
Known or suspected acts of treason,sedition,espionage by Army personnel
Known or suspected association with elements of threat intelligence
Terrorism,assassination incidents
Defections and unexplained absence of Army personnel
People impersonating as military intelligence personnel.
"The mission of the MI Unit (Interrogation and Exploitation) is to conduct interrogation of
enemy prisoners of war EPW,debriefing of persons having information of intelligence value and
exploitation of captured doicuments,media and hardware.”
The MI Unit (Interrogation and Exploitation) consists of a HQ section,an Ops
section,communications section and I&E platoon.
Figure 4: Interrogation and Exploitation Team
Roles and Functions
Setting up interrogation facilities during wartime
Interrogation of EPWs.Establishment of a joint or combined interrogation facility and
conduct interrogations of EPWs. Conduct debriefings of high level political and military
personnel, civilian internees,refugees, displaced persons, and other non- US personnel.
Conduct debriefing of high level military/political figures,refugees,patrols,military
personnel who are released by enemy from capture or who have escaped from
captivity,detained civilians and other people who have information of interest.
Conducts DOCEX,and translation of captured documents.Translate and exploit
documents acquired, found, or captured in the theater AO.
Debrief US and Allied personnel having escaped after being captured or having evaded
The above two units, viz MI (CI) and MI(I&E) are combined into one UNIT , collection and
exploitation MI(C&E) and hence executes all the functions which are inherent in the 2 units.
This is a modular unit, can hence plug as a detachment support into any Battalion/Company
which requires CI/HUMINT support but does not require a full intelligence battalion /Company
expertise. It can also be situation may not allow the deployment of full intelligence assets –in
such a case the MI(C&E) can be scaled and tailored to suit the requirements of the Battalion.
This unit can pull operatives from both the MI (CI) and MI (I&E) to create CI and I&E platoons
to conduct tactical HUMINT (CI/HUMINT) missions with the available CI, collection, and
exploitation and interrogation expertise.
"The collection and exploitation unit collects intelligence information through the acquisition,
training, briefing and debriefing of HUMINT assets in support of Army requirements and
provides CI support within the area of operations, conducts interrogations of prisoners of war
and other personnel of intelligence interest; translates and exploits selected foreign documents/
media; and exploits foreign materiel of intelligence interest."
The MI Unit (Collection and Exploitation) consists of a section headquarters, CI operations
section, interrogation operations section, and counterintelligence and I & E platoons.
Figure 5: Collection and Exploitation team.
Roles and Functions
Provides C-HUMINT support
Conducts Vulnerability assessment
Supports OPSEC
Supports targeting , nominates HVT
Conducts CI investigations
Conducts Counterintelligence FP Source Operations
Conducts counterespionage,countersubversion and countersabotage operations.
Liases with other intelligence agencies
Conducts offensive operations during wartime
Areas of interest:
Known or suspected acts of treason,sedition,espionage by Army personnel
Known or suspected association with elements of threat intelligence
Terrorism,assassination incidents
Defections and unexplained absence of Army personnel
People impersonating as military intelligence personnel.
Setting up interrogation facilities during wartime
Interrogation of EPWs.Establishment of a joint or combined interrogation facility and
conduct interrogations of EPWs. Conduct debriefings of high level political and military
personnel, civilian internees,refugees, displaced persons, and other non- US personnel.
Conduct debriefing of high level military/political figures,refugees,patrols,military
personnel who are released by enemy from capture or who have escaped from
captivity,detained civilians and other people who have information of interest.
Conducts DOCEX,and translation of captured documents.Translate and exploit
documents acquired, found, or captured in the theater AO.
Debrief US and Allied personnel having escaped after being captured or having evaded
Areas of interest:
Known or suspected acts of treason,sedition,espionage by Army personnel
Known or suspected association with elements of threat intelligence
Terrorism,assassination incidents
Defections and unexplained absence of Army personnel
People impersonating as military intelligence personnel.
1.MODULAR FORCE DESIGN : The resources and capabilities at the hands of the
Commander with respect to intelligence assets are limited , sometimes scarce .From the above
we can introduce the concept of ‘’Modularity’’ in force design. That is to say we can create a
deployable, scalable, modular intelligence capability to plug into the requirements interface of
any adjacent unit/company/headquarters who lack the necessary intelligence capability or whose
resources are very limited. This modular plug-in can be tailored to suit the needs of the
Commander of that unit. For example if HUMINT assets are more in demand than the CI or
DOCEX elements , the former can be augmented to the plug-in by pulling from the parent units
MI Company’s sub-components , with the Company’s capabilities not being reduced in any way.
The MI (C&E) is a good example of a plug-in.
2. Tactical HUMINT team formed at company level from CI and I&E platoons of the C&E
Company.( Please refer to the Appendix for further details on Tactical HUMINT.)
Production Section
The all source production and dissemination team (ASPD) in concert with the Order of Battle (OB)
Team, determines if intelligence requirements and RFIs can be satisfied with its existing information
and data base holdings. Information not available defines the collection requirements. The collection
manager then tasks collection assets within theater or requests support from national level assets.
These two teams determine what enemy information is available to help identify specific indicators of
enemy intent and provide a current, integrated picture of the battle space. During the analysis and
production portion of the intelligence cycle, the ASPD and OB teams coordinate with and receive
information from the other production section teams. This constant exchange of information ensures
single discipline reporting is fused into all- source products.
BDA & TGT Team
BDA and targeting team (TGT) performs target development selection and assessment. Based on
collected all source intelligence, the team identifies target vulnerabilities, provides targeting data and
nominates targets in accordance with the commander's HPT lists and the attack guidance matrix
(AGM). The BDA/ TGT will also assess battle damage based on physical damage sustained by the
target and their remaining combat effectiveness
CI Team
The Counterintelligence Team performs CI analysis. The team assesses the adversary's intelligence
collection capabilities and operations directed against friendly forces, missions, and installations. The
adversary uses many methods to collect information against friendly forces, including HUMINT,
SIGINT, and IMINT. As a result, the CI analytical capability includes a diverse mix of specialists who
fuse information to identify and isolate collection operations. The CI team and other elements of the
production section exchange critical information required to analyze the enemy. Intelligence gaps and
lack of holdings are provided to the CM section for action as appropriate. Specific functions of the CI
team include:
o Develops and maintains CI data bases.
o Monitors CI collection efforts.
o Produces IPB products to support CI operations.
o Produces analytical products, including threat assessments, estimates and
summaries,threat situation overlays, and black, white, and gray lists.
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