There are 6 wings,each catering to a special domain/s.
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Research Wing. The Research Wing is responsible for
developing,reviewing and updating the instructional materials of TIOCC
War College in conformity with the dynamic of our operating
environment. The Wing also source for and ensure that the school online
library at War College have requisite materials that can meet the
standards of ATAB Certifications environment and online courses
in intelligence. It develops researchable topics for students to write
on. The Wing is made up of the following Deptts:
(1) Review & Dev Dept.
(2) Library Dept.
(3) Counterinsurgency/Antiterrorism Research Deptt.
(4) Global tactical events monitoring Deptt.
Combat Wing. The Combat Wing is the operations wing that instructs
students on operational intelligence. It studies and instructs on the
threat profiles,latest tactics and techniques and
intelligence/counterintellighence capabilities of terrorists/insurgents
globally. The Dept also prepares papers and instructs on the role of
intelligence in different phases of war and military operations other
than war (MOOTW). To this extent students are introduced to and taught
the battle fielenvironment through terrain analysis, Intelligence
Preparation of the Battlefield/space (IPB).
Security Wing. The Security Wing is responsible for instructing
students on all security and counter intelligence operations. The Wing
also highlights guidelines and procedures that enhance the security of
personnel, installations and information including the use of identity
documents such as identity cards, passes and permits. The importance of
maintaining and updating records of organizations, agencies, groups or
individuals of high value to the CI efforts of our security services
are also taught among other security and counter intelligence related
topics. Students are taught the necessity for liaison with other
appropriate security agencies to obtain data,materials and information of interest to CI efforts. The wing is
organized as follows:
(1) Protective Security Dept.
(2) Intelligence and Security Dept.
(3) Special Operations Dept.
Psychological Operations Wing . This Wing teaches students on the
rudiments of PSYOP mission in the conduct of military operations
and military exercises. Students are also enlightened on
the conduct of peacetime PSYOP targeted at conditioning military
personnel with a view to insulating them from hostile
propaganda. Furthermore,they are taught the roles of PSYOP
in analyzing media reports, publications,books, documents, propaganda
and articles as well as other related materials of PSYOP value to the
Army. The Wing is organized as follows:
(1) Basic Psyop Study Dept.
(2) Propaganda Dev Dept.
(3) Operations Dept.
e. Admin
Wing. The main role of the Admin Wing is that of administration. The
Wing provides administrative support to the school in the areas of
students and personnel discipline
Certification in AntiTerrorism for qualified Law enforcement personnel awarded by ATAB.
course packages for Counterintelligence education/Threat assessment and
vulnerability analysis/CARVER/OPSEC as used in antiterrorism/Crisis
Management/Terrorism Intelligence/Competitive Hypothesis method and
social network analysis SNA and Antiterrorism Awareness.
Encouraging Research/Studies in Terrorism , Intelligence , Counterintelligence , I&W , ISR and other variables inherent in Terrorism Risk Management.
Crisis/Risk Management and Anti Terrorism Consulting--Domestic & Foreign.